Submission Checklist

Authors are required to check off each of the following boxes as part of the submission procedure, and submissions that don't meet these rules may be returned to the authors. The material complies with the author guidelines' standards manuscript preparation. The submission has not been published before, and it is not being considered by another journal.    


-The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

-The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.

- The material complies with the author guidelines' standards manuscript preparation.

-A separate title page should be uploaded containing the manuscript title and name of all authors with affiliation.

-Manuscript is text is Times New Roman in font size 12 with line spacing of 1.5. The main headings should be bold and in uppercase. All tables/figures are cited within manuscript.

-A covering letter stating the study importance and its rationale should be uploaded.

-An undertaking form signed by all the authors must be submitted.

-Ethical approval letter or ethical exemption letter must be uploaded with original articles.

-In case of clinical trial, provide enough evidence of its registration in

-Reporting guidelines were followed as outlined in authors’ guideline.